‘Ashta’ means ‘Eight’ and ‘Chandra’ means ‘Moon’ in Sanskrit.

This yoga asana is a standing balancing pose and it is is a great preparation for the full version of Virabhadrasana I.





Chest Opener

Ashta Chandrasana

Crescent High Lunge Pose

ahh-SHTAH chahn-DRAH-sah-nah

Eye gaze in front of you of up to ur palms.

How To Do

Step with your leg back or forward.

Engage your legs and put your palms on your hips to align your them paralel to the short side of the mat, with an inhale raise your straight hands up.

Lift your open chest, drawn your abdomen in and tuck your tailbone in as well, make sure your both legs are engaged and you are not sinking down, but instead reaching up with your torso, gaze ahead or slightly raise your head up to look up to your thumbs.

Take a few breaths here and with an exhale bring your palms near your foot, inhale, bring your legs together into a plank or go straight to Downward Facing Dog. Take a few breaths there, repeat on another side.

Bullet Points

– Back toes tucked, heel high

– Lengthen and strengthen back leg (soft knee)

– Pelvis in neutral position (tucked – flat back)

– Keep the shoulders away from your ears 

Counter Asanas

Uttanasana / Forward Fold

Adho Mukha Svanasana / Downward-Facing Dog

Balasana / Child’s Pose


Muladhara - Root Chakra

solar-2533097__340 copy

Manipura -Solar Plexus Chakra

Strengthens quadriceps, glutes, abs, arms and back.

Stretches hips and chest.

Improves stability and balance.

Trains your cardiovascular system.

It liberating the body from old negative  energies, feeling you with new Prana.

Clears Manipura Chakra. Brings energetic stabily and power in your new intentions.

Gives you confidence.

Let your fears and doubts dissolve.

Charging with energy and concentration.

Knee injuries

High blood pressure


Variations and Modifications