Gomukhasna Cow face Pose

Gomukhasana Cow Face Pose

‘Gow’, meaning ‘Cow’ and ‘Mukha’, meaning ‘Face’ or ‘Mouth’. The word ‘Go’ also means ‘light’, so “Gomukh” may refer to the lightness of the head. This yoga pose has this name because of the thighs and calves reminding a cow’s face with its shape. Gomukhasana Cow Face Pose is not a beginner pose as it requires a lot of hip and knee mobility if you are easy with that you are the lucky one!

Asana Level

Asana Position

Asana Type
The hip opener, restorative, twist, stretch

Sanskrit Title

English Title
Cow Face Pose


Preps  Asanas for Gomukhasana Cow Face Pose

Perparation poses/ asanas for Gomukhasana / Cow Face Pose  many hip and chest openers also a few asanas working with shoulders mobility: ardha, ardha badha and check other yoga asanas to improve your body mind connection.

How To Do Gomukhasana
Start from in tabletop position your right knee on top of your left. Stack both of knees on top of each other.
Take a block, pillow or bolster and place behind your feet. Both sit bones are placed firmly on the mat block/bolster. Slowly sit back.
Take a strap if needed. With an inhale raise your right arm, bend it behind the back and with your left try to clasp them together or use a strap.
Open your chest forward and breathe.

Bullet Points
– Knees on top of each other
– Lengthen the spine
– Open chest, try to stretch the upper arm up and back.
– Shoulders away from ears


Variations and easy modifications of Gomukhasana below

Cautions and Contraindications

Knee injuries
Shoulder injuries
Hip injuries
High blood pressure

Anatomy  Benefits
Strengths middle and upper back.
Stretches arms and shoulders, hamstrings, hips, knees, quadriceps.
The stretch at the hamstrings can be beneficial to athletes in the long run with repeated practice it helps to gain flexibility
It helps to reduce the stiffness of shoulders and also helps reduce backaches.

Psychological Benefits
Practising Gomukhasna regularly can reduce anxiety and stress.

Energetic Benefits
This asana is the heart and hip opener, gives you faith in yourself and trust in others, it is grounding you at the same time, as you are in a strong position of your legs.
As the entire back is stretched, it making prana flow to the whole body.